The Hedland Collective Strategy Planning Day

The Hedland Collective Strategy Planning Day

Over the last six months, the Hedland Collective (the Collective) has been working on projects that matter to the Hedland community. A major part of this was focusing on immediate actions in specific areas, such as child care, school-based traineeships and community safety.

Now that these initiatives are under way, the Collective is developing a well-defined vision in order to progress in a clear and focused direction. The Steering Committee came together on March 3 to develop a strategic plan and roadmap that we can achieve together.

The day focused on putting together information from across Hedland such as the Town of Port Hedland’s “Live It Tell It” community surveys, BHP’s Community Perception Surveys, Fortescue’s Community Perception Surveys, CSIRO’s Hedland Anchor Survey and past engagement that the Hedland Collective has conducted. By reviewing all this information, the Collective was able to see the areas that really mattered to the community.

From here, the Collective will be refining the roadmap and setting short and long-term priorities. As we do this, we will be calling on the community to provide feedback, and to work with us as part of the Collective to achieve our goals.

Over the next few months, we will share the new Hedland Collective strategy and keep you updated on how you can get involved. If you would like to find out more please don’t hesitate to get in touch through our contact form or email us at

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